Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What responsibilities do we have to each other?

As a race we have the responsibility to keep each other safe. In Frankenstein Victor did not keep this responsibility very well. He created a monster much larger and stronger than humans and once he had brought it to life, he just let it go because he was afraid of it. Victor did not think out his experiment, he didn’t think about how it would behave, if it would integrate into the world it was created in, weather or not it would pose any kind of threat to others, or how to control it if anything went wrong. It was Victor’s responsibility to make sure that by creating this monster, no one would be hurt. Another responsibility that we have to each other is companionship. As humans we have a desire to be loved and cared for. The monster was denied this right because Victor, again, did not think everything through. Creating something so hideous and large left no room for it to have a companion especially if its creator wasn’t even able to care for it.

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